The vision.
"Eye of the Beholder" is a timeless phrase that resonates with many. But have you ever wondered how a photographer perceives it? Allow me to take you on a captivating journey through my perspective. Growing up in Santa Fe, NM, the Land of Enchantment, I've been bestowed with numerous roles in my life: a licensed cosmetologist for over 30 years, a personal trainer with an associate degree in Exercise Science for 20 years, a certified pastry chef, and a certified photographer. It's truly remarkable how all my diverse training, licenses, and certifications converge under the captivating concept "Eye of the Beholder."
Within the lens of my camera, I discover beauty, capture transformative moments, and unveil the essence of what truly matters.

Instructions for Ordering Game Day Photos
To order game day photos, simply follow these easy steps:
Browse the portfolio by clicking the button below.
Once you find the photo(s) you want to order, fill out the form provided on the portfolio page.
(Make sure to include the photo code.)
​ 3. Someone will be in contact with you to discuss payment and further details.